I am very proud to announce the arrival of the newest member of our family! The D200! It is a beautiful new piece of photographic beauty which will bring us many years of joy and delight. We have already created a college fund for him (yes, it is a HIM). Thanks to all who have gone through the labour process with us and you are all more than welcome to come and hold him, coo him, and comment on how cute he is!!
HAHAHA! Congrats! It's always cool getting a new piece of gear.
But here's my question: How did you take a picture of it?
(I know you have other cameras but it's not the same)
Hey....yeah used my #2 camera, a D70s. My #3 camera is up for sale right now, if you know anyone who wants an affordable Digital SLR.
Nice new toy.
I personally don't want to go to the next level because the 1.6x multiplying factor gets lowered or is gone on the high end cameras.
And I need that zoom for sports.... but congrats on the new purchase.
I still like my 120-300mm 2.8f lens better though :o)
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