I was chatting with some friends about fair trade on Monday, and the subject of flowers came up. I admitted I was entirely ignorant to the ethics behind the flower market. Today, while casually skimming through some news reports, I found this one on CTV which deals with the ethics behind the chocolate and roses we give each other on February 14th. I am beginning to see that just about everything we purchase (with only the best intent) actually helps make poverty the greatest monster in the world. But flowers?!? Yet again, something that is so beautiful becomes sour to me.
Here's the Article
That article makes me mad! I am trying to think twice before I buy things but it seems like EVERYTHING we buy here in the West is somehow taninted. Nuts! Nevertheless it was good to read and goot to see someone printing an article about it!
Ruiner! Cut flowers are one of life's little pleasures. I'll take chemical-ridden, slave-manufactured flowers any day of the week. Except for carnations. They are ugly.
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