Thursday, January 25, 2007

New Year = procrastination

I've actually been pretty busy. I took a class the first week of January called 'Documenting Justice' and It was hugely mega-good. We basically just watched documentary films and discussed them (I didn't take the course for credit). Julie and I have really been trying to figure out how to become better consumers and members of the global market. We are making a conscious effort not to support major corporations, unfair trade systems (like coffee, chocolate, clothing). It's difficult, as it requires a pretty major shift in thinking and acting (which is, of course, the tough part). So far, we have successfully switched to fair-trade coffee. Clothing will be a bit more of an issue (not so much for me, because Julie can't get me out to purchase clothes anyway).

Regardless, it's been an interesting few weeks.

1 comment:

Jared said...

mmm, yes. I feel you on the consumer issue. I've been trying to shore things up as well. I've been pretty successful as long as I allow myself to take small steps, instead of trying to change everything at once. I don't regularly purchase much of what you listed, however, including coffee, so it's much easier for me. I've focused more on ecologically-friendly living (less waste, recycled product).

One question... in your research, how is second-hand clothing viewed? I pretty much purchase exclusively second-hand but wondered if I should still be avoiding certain brand names. Just out of curiosity.

And for sure, you can add a link to my page. I'm trying to give it a bit more attention so I can up my readership.

And if somehow I can be paid my regular hourly wage to visit Hong Kong, in addition to all expenses, I'm in!!
