Do you believe the official explanation of 9/11 or the conspiracy theories?
I had no idea that the conspiracy theories surrounding the whole thing were so pervasive. I know it isn't a scientific pole or anything, but only 41% of those who answered say they believe the official explanation. The majority either wholeheartedly believes the conspiracy theories circulating, a bit of both (conspiracy theories and the official explanation), or they think nothing anybody is saying, whether on CNN or youtube, is actually the truth.
I definitely have my suspicions regarding the whole thing, but I'm not sure I would be ready to say that I think there was a grand conspiracy. The evidence (of conspiracy) does make one go: hmmmmmmmm. There is this online film called loose change that goes through quite a bit of it. Parts of it are certainly far fetched, but it makes you second guess what was going on. I've read a few 'debunking the conspiracies' pages and they seem to bring up some good points. Here is one from Time magazine
..but I still have my doubts.
So, what do YOU think?
Hey Andrew, there is a website called www.stoplying.ca on the subject, seems interesting. Thanks for the comments on my blog, it was really helpful and an encouragement. The more I think about it, the more I have been leaning towards the wedding aspect lately. I have an east indian engagement party this weekend for a friend at work so that will be a good experience. I'm getting paid so that is a bonus! Quick question, what do I do about the pst? Do I add on after the price I quote? Do I have to put a pst# on the invoice/receipt that I give the customer?
Hey Nathaniel,
Sent an email to your njimagery email....the answers await you!
I watched this movie, and it was very hard after the facts they presented to believe that the US told the "truth, and the whole truth and nothing but the truth" I suppose you could make your mind after seeing it. I liked the way the posed the questions in the film because that is all they did, pose questions. They never supposed to tell *you* what *you* should think. The presented facts (in your face facts mind you) and said "Now you choose what you think"
But, hey what do I know, that is just my two cents...
Andrew! that was weird. i came across your blog, via, someone else's blog that was linked to one of my friend's sites.
I guess that 'six degrees of separation' hypothesis showed itself in less than 3 degrees!
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