My latest discovery is what is called podcast novels. You can find them at podiobooks.com. I listened to the entire podcast novel called EARTHCORE, which is this science fiction, bizarro work by a guy named Scott Sigler. Basically, this mining company finds a massive deposit of platinum, which ends up [spoiler alert!....yeah like you care] being a big, 50,000 year old spaceship. It's inhabitants (crazy octopus, glowing aliens) are still alive, but are so inbred that they are basically the equivelent of cavemen, yet are still pretty creepy. Many adventures ensue for the folks who find themselves stuck in the massive underground highway system. I quite enjoyed it, as i'm a bit of a sci-fi junky.
Next I tried a podcast novel called 'The pocket and the pendant', and I got pretty bored with it, so I checked the next novel by the same guy who wrote earthcore. It's called Ancestor and involved a lot of Canadiana, which is cool. The main badguy is an ex Calgary Stampeder (CFL football) who is super crazy and likes killing nice americans. I found this funny, as I was starting to think that Canadians were nuts. Anyway, I just finished that one today and am now back to square one.....i need more podcasts! I need my fix!
Please help me.....please [whimper]