Just thought I would scare the masses (all those who read this site, who, judging by the comments, is no one). Oh, if you are reading this, please leave a comment so I know i'm not a complete loser (well I do already know that, but at least I'll know people are watching me be a loser). Just look a little ways down where it says '[0] comments' and click on it. If your mouse button is broken, I'll understand.
Loser identified. It's easier to check websites than anything else these days. -=- Whitey -=-
Ok, that was meant to witty but in retrospect is kinda lame.
Meh, a comment is a comment.
Regarding this comment depression...I believe now is an appropriate time to quote that guru of gurus, Kevin Costner.
"If you build it, they will come"
Thanks Kev.
Well I read your blog Andrew - funny how familar Satan really looks...! ;)
Kevin Costner is the source of 83% of my inspiration. Thanks Marcy.
BTW, how is the fight going (to stay away from this hemisphere)
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