Well, October is the month of 'stealing stuff from Andrew'. Last year in October, some Salvadorians laid hold of my wallet, and took from it some US cash. I'm quite sure they needed it far more than I. Good thing they nabbed it before the US dollar succumbed to the awesome might of the omnipotent looney!
Anyway, this year my faith in the not-so-good people of Guelph wained just a bit as one of them decided that my bike was in fact theirs. Upon realizing it was missing, I got my things together, walked to the bike shop and bought myself a proper trail bike, as I usually hit the trails 2 or three times a week.
Enter random email from a teammate from my summer ultimate Frisbee team: she is participating in a 100KM Ride for some fantastic cause that I've never heard of, but am now wholeheartedly in support of. This Saturday is the first Saturday that I have NOTHING going on. This is like a breath of fresh air for a Wedding Photographer, especially after a particularly busy season. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my job, but everybody needs a little break from time to time.
Anyway, I was going to spend the day riding regardless of whether anyone else was going to benefit from it, so I decided to join the fight for our refugee friends and ride a crazy long way for them. Now, I'm not going to be riding 100KM, only half that actually, which (for you english/drama majors) is 50KM. This is about the distance from Guelph to Orangeville, from Kitchener to Stratford, that's right, it's about the Distance from Downtown Denver, Colarodo, all the friggin way to Longmont, Colarodo.
So I need Sponsors. If you'd like to contribute towards my goal of $300.00, then throw me an email and we'll get you situated. Anything over $10.00 gets you a tax receipt, and I'm going to try to put some sort of video together afterwards for your viewing pleasure.
Take a look at www.rideforrefugees.ca